Nexia Basel Abusalah & Partners
Chartered Accountants and Auditors

Audit & Evaluation
Which is better, a qualified or an unqualified audit report?
We asked this question to many new clients in Qatar before we start our engagement . Some 25% thought a qualified report is better. They thought getting a qualified report means good news, they passed the test!
Those who know what a qualified report is, were not always told how to not get a qualified report again. All they know is that their auditors were not able to obtain some documents during the audit. That’s it. End of the story!
This is the start of all problems. Clients know there are problems. But not all the times they are told of the source of those problems. Finding a solution without identifying the source of the problem is not going to prevent it happening again. It’s like filling water in a leaking bucket.
What we do?
We educate our clients. We will explain what an audit is and what it entails. Not only we will tell you where you went wrong but how to avoid it. We will tell you about your performance, providing you with Accounting and Analytical Ratios, identifying areas where you can improve your business.
Simply stating your financial statements are showing a true and fair view does not always mean you did well. We see an audit as an opportunity to show you how to improve your performance not just to comply with regulations.
Audit and Assurance
As a member of Nexia International, we ensure our audit and a range of other assurance services we offer are designed to identify, manage and adapt to all types of risk.
We provide independent audit services according to regulatory requirements in the relevant jurisdiction to a huge range of organisations of all sizes.
We perform our work to the highest quality standards. Our quality control ethos is central to ensuring audit quality, and our firm is up to date on developments in audit standards.
The increased use of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) poses a significant challenge to preparers and users of financial statements. As part of a global network, we will share our epertise in assisting you in adopting the requirements and share their experience of applying IFRS in practice.