Nexia Basel Abusalah & Partners
Chartered Accountants and Auditors

The one word each one of us dreads the most: Failure!
What if we fail? What if the business goes bust? What if we our customers don’t pay?
All these ‘what ifs’ are risks that are lurking round the corner. Some businesses just do not want to even think of them because they are too scared.
Don’t worry, we are here to help you identify and assess all the possible risks that can affect your business and we will tell you how to address each one of them. At the end of the day, we want to help you assure uncertainty does not deflect you from your business goals.
Touching wood that your business is risks-free is not going to avoid them.
Some common risks
Embezzlement of your funds
Customers do not pay on time
Key persons death
Changes in the Law
Compliance with regulations
Insider dealings
Loss of data and information
In-effective use of assets
Liquidity and cash flow
Succession planning
Natural Disasters