Nexia Basel Abusalah & Partners
Chartered Accountants and Auditors

Nexia International won the
International Accounting Bulletin Award in 2013.
Experts Team Member Are Ready At Your Services

Basel Abusalah CPA
Managing Partner
CPA qualified, Basel has more than 25 years of experience in various fields including Oil & Gas and banking industries. Before he set up the firm, he worked as an Senior Audit Manager at one the top 10 firms in the USA and Qatar.
Basel’s motto: Make one client unhappy and you lose 100 potential clients.
Feel free to write to Basel

Mohamed Chetty FCCA
Quality Partner
Fellow member of the ACCA since 2005, Mohamed worked as an Audit Manager in London in the top 20 accounting and consulting firms until 2008 when he moved to Qatar to join a Big 4 firm. He teamed up with Basel with the aim to bring the UK level of service to local clients.
Mohamed’s motto: Perfection cannot be achieved. But if you try hard enough you will get close to it..
Feel free to write to Mohamed